In this Issue
Principal's Message
Principal's Message
Principal's Message
It was terrific to welcome back our students for Term 3 and hear their holiday stories. We pretty much hit the ground running with a focus on subject selections, particularly for our Year 9 and 10 cohorts. Our staff work closely with students and their families to help guide subject decisions and we encourage you to take full advantage of their knowledge and experience. There is information in the students’ curriculum handbooks distributed this week that outlines who to contact if you have any specific questions about this process.
Presentations to the students regarding their selections have already taken place and on 30 July every Year 9 and 10 student will have an interview with a member of staff to discuss their VCE pathway. The focus for Year 9 will be to make sure they choose options that will best prepare them for subjects they want to study in 2026. There is also the opportunity for our current Year 9 students to accelerate into VCE or VET studies in 2025 if they have met certain criteria and discussions around this possibility will take place.
Our Year 10 students will be supported to make decisions about all the VCE subjects they want to study in 2025 and parents and carers are invited to attend their interviews. If you can’t make it to the meeting, we encourage you to discuss options with your child and work through the handbook that has been provided to every student. You are very welcome to contact the school if you would like to set up a meeting or speak with a member of the pathways team.
At the end of last term, the Year 10 cohort was engaged in Work Experience, which plays a significant role in pathway decisions and VCE subject selections. It is a fantastic opportunity that can be life-changing for some young people as they start to define their future.
We could not run this valuable program without the support of many businesses, and we thank everyone of them for helping us to develop our young people so they can develop into resilient and accountable adults.
The beginning of the second semester is always a good opportunity for all parents and carers to have a talk with their children about their studies and to discuss the Semester 1 reports. Having conversations that reinforce and commend the things that were done well and encourage improvement in the areas that need some attention are valuable ways to support your child’s learning. There should be no surprises in the marks and comments in the report but if there are any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the College to speak with individual teachers, Year Level Coordinators or any other member of staff.
Speaking of staff, there have been some changes at the College that have come into effect this term. We were sad to farewell Rina Hamdemir who finished up at Trinity at the end of last term; Beth Anderson has commenced her parental leave and we wish her well for this exciting time, and Georgie Perkins joined our team to replace Beth. This term we also welcomed Jamisyn Holt who is teaching Humanities and RE. Matthew Rathgeber is on extended leave and we will appoint an Acting Head of Students to stand in for him while he is away – more details will be communicated to our families as soon as we can.
There is also some staff who are away as they are accompanying the group of Year 11 students to Palm Island where they are demonstrating our College values of service and inclusion and immersing themselves in the life of the community at St Michael’s Primary School. They were caught up in the network outage that resulted in a cancelled flight and lots of reorganisation but our staff had nothing but praise for the students who showed excellent resilience and remained positive despite the disruption and uncertain beginnings. Great Palm Island, also known as Bwgcolman, can teach our students so much about our country’s history and reconciliation, as well as the unique geographical phenomenon of the area, which is located in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. We look forward to their return and hearing all about their adventures.
Mr Paul Clohesy

College News
Award Presentations
Award Presentations
An education at Trinity develops character, skills and knowledge as equal and integral parts in the development of the whole person, equipping each of our students with the tools to make a difference in their own lives, in the lives of the people around them and in the wider world.
Congratulations to our Years 7 to 10 Semester 1 award winners who were acknowledged for their commitment to personal excellence at Year level assemblies.
You can view the list of awards here .

Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses give students a good insight into industries and career pathways, with many of our students moving from a VET course into School Based Apprenticeships and fulltime apprenticeships.
Do you enjoy ‘hands on’ practical training with less theory-based learning?
Are you keen to learn more about an industry, such as Construction, Hairdressing, Animal Studies, Allied Health, Childcare, Automotive?
Would you like to pursue a School Based Apprenticeship Traineeship or fulltime apprenticeship?
If this sounds like you, perhaps consider a VET Course as an option!
Students are able to undertake a VET subject in Year 10 (Accelerated option and subject to approval from TCC) as well as Years 11 and 12. We have many options available both internally as part of the normal Trinity College timetable and externally at South West TAFE Colac and The Gordon Geelong.
- Certificate III in Sport & Recreation
- Certificate II in Agriculture
- Certificate III in Business
- Certificate II in Automotive
- Certificate II in Building & Construction – Carpentry
- Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
- Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Certificate II in Hospitality
- Certificate I in Baking
- Certificate III in Makeup
- Certificate II in Hospitality
- Certificate II in Animal Care
- Certificate II in Automotive
- Certificate II in Building (Carpentry)
- Certificate II in Electrotechnology
- Certificate II in Engineering Studies
- Certificate II in Furniture Making
- Certificate II in Plumbing
- Certificate II in Salon Assistant
- Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance
- Certificate III in Beauty Services
- Certificate III in Community Services
- Certificate III in Design Fundamentals (Design Basics or Graphic Design)
- Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Certificate III in Information Technology
- Certificate III in Laboratory Skills
- Certificate III in Screen and Media
- Certificate II in Cookery
Further discussions should be directed to Mrs Julie Demasi, VET Coordinator on 52339237 or email

Coastals Basketball
Coastals Basketball
Trinity College was ready for some keen competition at the Coastals division of the Basketball championships at Bluewater this week.
It was Trinity Intermediate versus Trinity Senior girls first up in the Basketball Coastal competition that resulted in a win to the Seniors, 56-33. Best players for the Intermediates were Harmony, Georgia and Kiara, and Remy, Briea and Sienna for the Seniors.
Trinity Intermediate girls then played a win against CSC with the final score 69-40.
The third game was Intermediate boys against the Senior boys where it was again a pretty close game. The Intermediate boys put up a pretty good fight but in the end the Seniors won 57-45. Best players for the Senior team were Tyler, Zac and George. Best players for Inters were Blake, Ashton, Levi and Sam.
The end score for the fourth game with Trinity versus CSC Intermediate was TCC 70 points to CSC 25 points. Best players were Ashton, Blake, Sid and Louis.
Millicent Sibley
Sport Trainee

Giggles and The Elliminations
Giggles and The Elliminations
On Saturday 20 July The Elliminations and their trusty roadies braved the elements to perform for the Little Tikes Daycare Centre 'Light the Night' event.
It was the first live performance for The Giggles and it was clear to see that the 60 families who ventured forth in the wild weather for the afternoon thoroughly enjoyed themselves, especially the younger members of the crowd who danced in the rain and moved and grooved until the end of the night. The two Giggles sets were broken up with The Elliminations performing some of their favs.
Students learnt the importance of being prepared for any situation, including how to water and wind proof your performance space!
After such a sucessful performance for their junior fans, The Elliminations entertained more than 70 people at the Ti Tree in Warrion last night. With all tables booked for dinner, it was standing room only as the phones were kept busy through the afternoon with ticket sales. The evening started with some duets and solos while patrons ate and chatted and then the lights went down and the party started with two sets from the group. The dance floor was busy with fans dancing to their favourites, like 'Land of a Thousand Dances', 'Stand By Me' and 'Seven Nation Army'. The group have a rest for a week or two before kicking off their next round of performances so keep an eye out!
A special mention must go to Jeanette Carrington for all her work making, collecting and preparing costumes, parents who assisted in packing up, and of course Mr Stephen Gill, who works tirelessly getting the bands ready.
Mrs Kelly Kerr
Music Teacher

Junior Coastal Soccer
Junior Coastal Soccer
Trinity College hosted the SSV Coastal Years 7 and 8 Soccer competition with a mixed outcome for our hard-working teams.
Our Year 7 girls put in a terrific effort and are through to the Greater Western championships – congratulations and well done! The Year 7 boys’ team lost in a penalty shootout and the Year 8 side were disappointed purely on percentage. The Year 8 girls were victorious against the Apollo Bay Lorne team but lost to CSC to miss out on going through to the next round. We are proud of all of our players for putting in their best effort!

Kokoda Track
Kokoda Track
Over the school break, five Trinity students tackled the legendary Kokoda Track, spending nine days hiking through the Owen Stanley Ranges in Papua New Guinea in the footsteps of Australian forces in World War 2.
The incredible opportunity for Molly, Olivia, Henry, Ben and Kade was made possible by AKD Softwoods who arranged the logistics and prepared the participants from Trinity and CSC for the arduous journey.
After arriving at Port Moresby via Brisbane, the travellers flew to Popondetta before being driven four hours through dense forest and mountains to the beginning of the Kokoda Trail.
As the group began to consider the challenge ahead, a visit to the war museum at the location where the Aussie soldiers first encountered the Japanese army highlighted the tragic history of the area.
The confronting recount was fresh in their minds as they shouldered their packs the next morning and began their adventure. Early morning departures became the routine as the group trekked through small villages and crossed rivers using swaying bridges while toting their supplies on their backs.
The students came to rely on their porters who guided them through the tricky sections of the track, keeping morale up jokes and music. The porters also held singalongs in the evening to keep everybody entertained and mornings were also great times for some inspiring music to raise motivation.
The students played volleyball at Agulogo and also learned about traditional hunting techniques for tree kangaroo, cassowary and native pigs. At Efogi they cooked banana bread and also visited a school, getting to know some local children and seeing how classrooms looked in the middle of the jungle.
Along the track, historical landmarks were pointed out by their helpful guides who shared stories about the battles that took place there. The general terrain was clay, shale, loose rock, rivers, tree roots and large boulders and walking was slippery, particularly after it rained.
On day nine, the intrepid trekkers arrived at Owens Corner and their incredible experience was over. Back at Port Moresby, the team enjoyed some down time, relaxing by the pool and recounting their adventure of a lifetime. The lessons in resilience, perseverance and teamwork were invaluable and the memories will last forever.
A massive thank you to AKD for their investment in the development of our students, and to Kokoda Courage for ensuring the safety and support of all our trekkers.

Maths Fun
Maths Fun
As part of our Year 8 Maths program, students had the opportunity to participate in an Escape Room and Maths Show to test their skills and determination!
For the Escape Room activity, students worked in teams of four to solve eight problems to be able to escape through the final door.
The first session tied between two groups that were comprised of Tilly, Jasmine, Belle, Monique, Taneisha, Indee, Noah, Ethan and Josh.
The second session had one team of winners: Charli, Beau, Hudson and Ryder.
Congratulations to all students who participated in the events on the day.
Mr Nathan Beaumont
Maths Teacher

Sayembara Lisan Finalists
Sayembara Lisan Finalists
This year there were approximately 160 students over two days who participated in the first round of the Sayembara Lisan (Indonesian Speaking Competition) held at Ocean Grove.
Organisers were extremely happy to have held such a big event for students to share their confidence and enjoyment of Indonesian. A very big thank you to Breearna Jones at Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School for organising the event.
Congratulations to our participants as the competition was fierce and they all did their best on the day. They should be proud of their efforts!
Congratulations to the following students who have made it through to the finals: Rhuby, Carter, Samriddhi, Olivia and Indee. It was our Year 7 finalists’ first Sayembara Lisan and the second for Indee.
The finals will be held at Melbourne High School on Saturday 27 July.
From left to right: Rhuby, Carter, Samriddhi, Olivia and Indee.

Subject Selections
Subject Selections
A major event on our school calendar this term is Subject Selections Presentations and Pathway interviews for current Year 9, 10 and 11 students (2025 Years 10, 11 and 12).
Subject Selection Presentations
Presentations to students in year levels were held during the first week and each student received a curriculum handbook with information supporting the subject selection process.
The presentations provided students with information on the following topics:
- Educational pathways including VCE and VCE-VM.
- Applications for accelerated programs.
- Content of subjects.
- Requirements for assessments.
- The process for selecting subjects.
Pathway Interviews - Tuesday 30 July
All families of
Year 9 and Year 10
received a letter in the mail regarding Pathway interview times and Maths level recommendations. Â Please ensure that this time has been noted to ensure your child is supported with this process.
Subject Selections close
– 7
are available for parents and families to access on PAM and SIMON for students. We encourage you to familiarise yourself with the handbook and engage in discussions to ensure subject selections match strengths, interest and pathways of your child.
Please contact the school if you have any queries.
Mrs Karen A Hart
Director of Learning
Years 10-12

Year 10 Work Experience
Year 10 Work Experience
Trinity Year 10 students participated in the annual work experience program during the last week of term, providing a wonderful opportunity to step out of their comfort zones and explore their future career pathways.
There were students discovering their interests in construction, retail, education, real estate, radio, health, sport, administration and so much more.
It was wonderful to see the students immersed in the job at hand when our staff visited in their workplaces throughout the week.
The College's Work Experience program would not be possible without the support of local businesses and workplaces further afield and we send sincere thanks to everyone who welcomed and supported our students this year.
Mrs Julie Demasi
Careers Officer & VET Coordinator

Uniform Update
Uniform Update
We kindly ask that all parents and carers remind their young people of our uniform expectations at Trinity.
Our staff, student and leadership members have reviewed our expectations, particularly with jewellery, hair styles and accessories and after some small changes, agree that our expectations are in line with our vision. Thank you for supporting your young person to be a proud, loyal member of our College by wearing their uniform correctly and neatly each day.
You can view the College Uniform and Procedures here .

Parent Resources
It's Time We Talked
It's Time We Talked
It's Time We Talked is a violence prevention project that supports young people, parents, schools government and the community to understand and address the influence of pornography.
We are grateful to Maree Crabbe, who shared information and strategies for parents and carers last week and you can find resources from the presentation on our College website .
Important Dates
Check the College calendar for more information
Check the College calendar for more information
Monday 29 July
ADHV Dental Visit
Tuesday 30 July
Years 9 and 10 Subject Interviews
Wednesday 31 July 6:00pm
Final meeting for the Ski Trip
Jubilee Centre
Friday 2 August
Senior Ball
Tickets available on the College
Wednesday 7 August
Years 10-12 Subject Selection due 11:30am